About Us
UK Based Engineering Company
Developers of the ACP™ Technology
Leaders in Limescale Control
Developed and Manufactured in the UK
Values and Standards
Our mission is to bring to market commercially viable, environmentally friendly products to industrial water processes. This evolved from the need to couple both the requirement of the environment with the cost savings necessary in today’s industry.
Advanced Hydro Ltd is an ethical business which consistently focuses on its mission statement and its obligation to customers. The company philosophy is to provide excellent service and customer support which will in turn lead to commercial success. It maintains the values and standards of a trustworthy and honourable business.
Our Mission Statement
“To provide water treatment systems that perform better, save money and benefit the environment”

Personnel Policy
In order to satisfy our commitment to customer service and technical support all commercial staff employed by Advanced Hydro Ltd are technically qualified or have many years experience in the water treatment sector.
Advanced Hydro was formed to help companies satisfy their environmental and legislative obligations. A great deal of green technology is perceived to be expensive and of little real impact. As defined in our mission statement we provide technology with real environmental benefits which are commercially advantageous to our clients. In summary if it doesn’t pay our customers to buy, we don’t sell.